Parenting and Co-Parenting Classes,
Laguna Beach, Santa Cruz and Nationwide via Zoom
The AJ Novick Group, Inc. in addition to being an approved Anger Management provider, we are also an Orange County court and probation approved Parenting and Co-Parenting Class provider. We offer weekly parenting classes at our Laguna Beach based office every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm. All participants will receive materials for the class when they arrive. We offer 8, 10, 12, 22 and up to 52 week parenting and co-parenting classes. Call (949) 715-2694 to register, or simply show up on any Tuesday evening at 7pm. All classes have open enrollment!
We also offer Anger Management Classes, click here to learn more.
Weekly Parenting and Co-Parenting Class Information for 2024-2025:
Cost: $50 to enroll, $35 per class and $30 for the required workbook (we will provide it to you the first night of class). Proof of Enrollment is also provided. A Certificate of Completion is given at the end of the last class.
Register: Call our office to start (949) 715-2694
When: Every Tuesday at 7pm. Just show up 5 minutes before class and you can get started!
Where: Zoom. Contact us for registration and link. 949-715-2694
Parents can expect to learn skills in the following areas (detailed course syllabus at the bottom of the page):
- Assertive Communication for Parents
- Parenting Basics
- Stress Management
- Understanding Your Child
- Empathy training for Parenting and Co-parents
- Anger and Conflict resolution
- Parenting styles and Loving Your Children
- Understanding the different between child abuse/discipline
- Boundary and limit setting
- Co-parenting Teamwork/Challenges
- Co-parenting plan
- Role Modeling
- Rewards and Discipline for children
- Children and Divorce
- Step-family Dynamics
- Co-Parenting, Step-Parenting and Single Parenting
- Avoiding Parenting Mistakes
We will provide a certificate of completion at the end of the program. Progress report are available as well as a "proof of enrollment" form.
Those clients who live outside of Orange County may consider taking our Online Parenting Classes. These online classes are currently unavailable to Orange County residents who have a court or probation requirement. They are excellent for those outside of Orange County for Court requirements or ANY county for personal growth and self-improvment.
Detailed course syllabus topics:
Chapter 1
- Parenting: Who needs it?
- Introduction – Author
- Purpose and Benefit of Course
- Course Orientation
- Receiving Course Credit
- Course Evaluation Procedures
Chapter 2
- Anger, Parenting, and Feelings
- Taking Responsibility
- The Cost of Poor Parenting
- Protecting and enhance the child's emotional development
- Past History of Parenting
- Understanding the Legal process in Divorce
- Understanding the Judicial process
Chapter 3
- Dealing With Stress
- Stress and Physical Health
- Stress and Mental Health
- What IS Stress?
- External vs Internal Stress
- How Stress May Be Positive
- Stress vs. Stressed-Out
- The Stress Response
- Manage Stress: Step 1 – Stress Alert
- Manage Stress: Step 2 – Life Changes
- Manage Stress: Step 3 – Mind View
- Manage Stress: Step 4 – Stress Guard
Chapter 4
- Role Modeling For Our Children
- Emotions and Our Life
- Why Empathy Is Important
- Lack Of Empathy
- Why Social Awareness Is Important
- Increasing Your Empathy
- Empathic Listening
- Communication
- Acceptance
Chapter 5
- Boundaries and Good Parenting I
- Boundaries and Good Parenting II
- Tips for Setting Boundaries
Chapter 6
- Rewards/Consequences for Children
- Rewards/Consequences for Children II
- Rewards/Consequence Tips
- What is Child Abuse?
- Common perpetrator attitudes and conduct involving domestic violence
Chapter 7
- Communication and Parenting
- Assertive Communication for Parents
- Harmful Pattern #1 – Avoidance
- Harmful Pattern #2 – Criticism
- Harmful Pattern #3 – Passive-Aggressive
- Harmful Pattern #4 – Aggression
- Harmful Pattern #5 – Defensiveness
- Harmful Pattern #6 – Contempt
- Send Clear Messages
- Learn How To Listen
- Complain with "Magical Formula"
- Acknowledge Your Part in Conflicts
- Conflict Resolution Approaches
- Useful Things To Say
- Give and Take Praise
- Express Feelings Openly
Chapter 8
- Parenting Styles
- Parenting Styles II
- Parenting Styles III
Chapter 9
- Co-Parenting Teamwork/Planning
- Co-Parenting Teamwork/Planning I
- Co-Parenting Teamwork/Planning III
- Skills in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Chapter 10
- Step Family Problems and Concerns
- Education on Marriage / Divorce Counseling
- Children and Divorce
- Types of Blended/Step Families
- Step Family Life Cycle
- Step Family Life Cycle II
Chapter 11
- Common Parenting Mistakes
- Final Examination